
The Eledris Blog is an archive of resources about worldbuilding, writing, art, and game dev. As I work on my world, I share my experience and knowledge in the form of easy to understand guides.

How to Write Guilds in Fantasy Worldbuilding
How to Write Guilds in Fantasy Worldbuilding

A guild-based economy can provide a rich setting for your fantasy world. Guilds influence not only the market, but also the political landscape, religions, and the social issues in a given culture.

05. 10. 2022 6,996

On Worldbuilding and Plagues
On Worldbuilding and Plagues

A plague can be a major attribute of a historical era. When worldbuilding, you can implement plagues to heavily affect all aspects of your societies. So, what should you keep in mind when worldbuilding pandemics?

07. 09. 2022 4,727

Creating Holidays When Worldbuilding Fantasy Cultures
Creating Holidays When Worldbuilding Fantasy Cultures

Holidays can add depth to a fictional culture, establish traditions, and reinforce the reader’s sense of the culture’s values. Here are a few tips on how to improve the believability of your holidays!

03. 08. 2022 7,918

Systems of Government and Sources of Power
Systems of Government and Sources of Power

The distribution of power in a culture influences all its other aspects. When worldbuilding, it’s important to have an understanding of some of the most common systems of government, so your cultures can take inspiration from them.

30. 06. 2022 3,561

How I Made $350 Worldbuilding Freelance
How I Made $350 Worldbuilding Freelance

In 2020, I started freelancing as a worldbuilder. This is the story of my first larger order, how I make money, and how you can get into it, too.

21. 08. 2020 11,342

How to Worldbuild Believable Religions
How to Worldbuild Believable Religions

Religions shape cultures, economies, start and end wars, build and destroy kingdoms, and change worlds. When worldbuilding religions, you must consider these nine topics.

17. 07. 2020 18,476

Is Harry Potter’s Worldbuilding Bad?
Is Harry Potter’s Worldbuilding Bad?

Harry Potter is one of the best-known fantasy novel series. It is set in an alternate version of Earth, where magic exists. I would like to examine its worldbuilding to determine the quality of Harry Potter’s worldbuilding.

31. 01. 2020 9,438

What is Worldbuilding?
What is Worldbuilding?

Worldbuilding can help you forge out the details of your stories, whether written, drawn, or developed. But what exactly is worldbuilding and how can you start?

18. 11. 2019 8,540

Creating Cities
Creating Cities

Cities are the centers of many civilizations. While villages can host a few hundred people, cities can be the homes of thousands, sometimes even millions. How should you go about creating cities when worldbuilding?

09. 09. 2019 10,389