
The Eledris Blog is an archive of resources about worldbuilding, writing, art, and game dev. As I work on my world, I share my experience and knowledge in the form of easy to understand guides.

Instagram Marketing for Non-Artists
Instagram Marketing for Non-Artists

While Instagram is the ideal platform for artists, you can promote your business there even if you can’t draw! Find out how in this blog post.

22. 03. 2023 4,005

How to Write Clean, Reusable Code
How to Write Clean, Reusable Code

Whether you’re planning on working on a project for years, on handing it off to someone else in a month, or writing a full-on external library, there’s one thing you have to keep in mind. Writing clean, reusable code.

22. 03. 2023 6,521

Twitter Fiction and What I’ve Learned From Writing Tiny Stories
Twitter Fiction and What I’ve Learned From Writing Tiny Stories

How many words do you need to tell a story? Could you do it in only 280 characters? The genre of Twitter fiction challenges you to do just that!

22. 03. 2023 3,841

How to Code a Discord Bot in JavaScript
How to Code a Discord Bot in JavaScript

Having a Discord bot on your server can be a great deal useful, and coding one for yourself is a nice way to practice your coding skills, get a better reputation in the community, and do some marketing.

22. 03. 2023 7,824

What is Worldbuilding?
What is Worldbuilding?

Worldbuilding can help you forge out the details of your stories, whether written, drawn, or developed. But what exactly is worldbuilding and how can you start?

22. 03. 2023 8,093

Top Tips for Writing and Publishing Flash Fiction
Top Tips for Writing and Publishing Flash Fiction

Flash fiction is short, usually under 500 words. That’s a good thing; you can write it quickly. The bad news is not many people want to publish it. Here are my top tips to help you with that!

22. 03. 2023 3,665

How to Design Breathtaking 2D Platformer Levels
How to Design Breathtaking 2D Platformer Levels

Platformers have been popular since the dawn of games; from Super Mario Bros. of 1985 to Celeste of today. Good level design is one of the most essential parts of a platformer. Want to design breathtaking levels for your game?

22. 03. 2023 36,898

Game Jams
Game Jams

Game jams are game-making competitions, which push you to your limits by setting brutal constraints, usually time-wise. For example, the goal of a game jam could be to create a game in 48 hours.

22. 03. 2023 3,480

Creating Villages
Creating Villages

Where there is civilization, there are settlements, towns, even cities. In this article, I would like to talk about creating smaller villages, and how to make them believable.

22. 03. 2023 16,263