
The Eledris Blog is an archive of resources about worldbuilding, writing, art, and game dev. As I work on my world, I share my experience and knowledge in the form of easy to understand guides.

Writing Genres
Writing Genres

Genres are a useful way to compartmentalize your writing – are you writing fantasy, romance, or a thriller? In this list, I’d like to talk about some of the writing genres you’re going to need to know!

22. 07. 2019 3,273

Writing Settings
Writing Settings

Whether it be vast meadows, magical forests, dark caves, you’re going to have to describe some locations in your works. In this article, I would like to give you some tips and tricks for that!

24. 06. 2019 4,897

Fighting Writer’s Block
Fighting Writer’s Block

We’ve all been there. Staring at a blank page, trying to write something, but it’s either really bad or it’s nothing at all. Writer’s block, the menace of us all. What’s the best way to fight it?

27. 05. 2019 2,897

Writing Dialogue
Writing Dialogue

In most stories, characters are going to interact with each other through dialogue. I see a lot of starting authors that make mistakes when writing it. Let’s look at some tips on writing dialogue!

29. 04. 2019 4,379

Writing Pain
Writing Pain

Pain is present in the lives of most people, which means that your heroes are going to probably go through it. Pain can also be one of the hardest things to write. I’ll give you some tips on writing pain!

01. 04. 2019 16,385

Alphabet Story Challenge
Alphabet Story Challenge

Write a story in 26 sentences, each one starting with the next letter of the alphabet? The Alphabet Story Challenge accepted!

25. 02. 2019 11,732

Writing Prompts
Writing Prompts

It is important to get into the habit of writing every day – sometimes, you may be struggling to find ideas on what to write about. This list of writing prompts will help you with that!

23. 02. 2019 9,918

The Chronicles Writing Challenge
The Chronicles Writing Challenge

About a hundred days ago, I started working on a writing challenge – each day, I write a short story. I go into details of this challenge and how it helped me develop more as a writer.

11. 02. 2019 8,645