The Eledris Blog is an archive of resources about worldbuilding, writing, art, and game dev. As I work on my world, I share my experience and knowledge in the form of easy to understand guides.
Art block is something that, sooner or later, affects all artists. You can’t draw, you might not have any ideas, and it’s generally ruining your art process. How do you beat that?
28. 08. 2020 4,170
The Play Store is an endless resource of art apps that can help you find inspiration, get followers, learn more about the masters of art, or get productive. Here’s my list of the top apps for artists!
24. 07. 2020 4,843
Rivers, and generally freshwater, are one of the most important geological features of a world. As they shape the way cultures form, it’s crucial you get them right on your maps.
02. 03. 2020 3,964
If your passion is art and writing, and if you have tried creating comics, why not try and make money from it. In this article, I will go through some of the ways how you can make money drawing comics.
27. 01. 2020 13,417
Forests often shape the placements of cities and other elements on a world’s map. In this article, I’d like to cover a few styles of trees to help you with drawing forests on fantasy maps.
02. 12. 2019 10,048
Our planet is mostly water – seas and oceans making the most of it. Your worlds, fantasy or sci-fi, are going to have to have large bodies of water. But how do you draw the ocean to your maps?
23. 09. 2019 4,604
Mountains are one of the most important parts of maps, as they often create the borders of nations. Learn all about drawing mountains in this article!
12. 08. 2019 5,461
The Short Story of Art by Susie Hodge is a relatively short book summarizing the movements, the works, themes, and techniques of art throughout history.
27. 07. 2019 3,768
When painting or drawing digitally, one needs a good digital drawing software. Here’s my list of the best drawing programs you can use!
15. 07. 2019 96