Chronicles GameDev Challenge

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I challenge developers to create 15 games in a matter of 15 consecutive weeks. I challenge you to join the Chronicles GameDev Challenge, a game jam marathon!

As some of you may know, I have completed my Chronicles Writing Challenge, which requires you to write a short story each day for a total of 120 days. It has been a valuable experience for me and I came to the conclusion that I wanted to try similar long-term challenges for more fields than just writing. That is why I have started the Chronicles GameDev Challenge, where full-on participants have to create 15 games in a matter of 15 weeks.

I have created a series of game jams on where people can join me for one or more weeks. The first week began on the 2nd of April in the morning and the last one will end on the 16th of July 2019.
The participants can use whatever engine they like and can work in teams up to three people. You can use assets created by someone else, but I would encourage you to try and create your own graphics, music, code, etc. Assets can be reused – if you create a piece of music in week 2, you can use it again in week 8.

Here are the links for all the weeks of the challenge. If the week is already over, you can play some of the games created, if it’s not, you can join. The more the merrier.

  • Week 1 (finished, the theme was Curfew, 4 games were submitted)
  • Week 2 (finished, the theme was Safe, 2 games were submitted)
  • Week 3 (finished, the theme was Room, 1 game was submitted)
  • Week 4 (finished, the theme was Phantom, 2 games were submitted)
  • Week 5 (finished, the theme was Muse, 2 games were submitted)
  • Week 6 (finished, the theme was Desire, 3 games were submitted)
  • Week 7 (finished, the theme was Serenity, 2 games were submitted)
  • Week 8 (finished, the theme was Automatic, 1 game was submitted)
  • Week 9 (finished, the theme was Order, 2 games were submitted)
  • Week 10 (finished, the theme was Control2 games were submitted)
  • Week 11 (finished, the theme was Hit, 3 games were submitted)
  • Week 12 (finished, the theme was Faith5 games were submitted)
  • Week 13 (finished, the theme was Sick, 2 games were submitted)
  • Week 14 (finished, the theme was Hollow, 2 games were submitted)
  • Week 15 (finished, the theme was Curfew, 2 games were submitted)


I would like to do similar challenges often, as they reinforce discipline in the participants. After all, 15 weeks is not a short time. Be sure to join in if you have time for at least one of the weeks, we would be happy to see you.


If you want to learn more about game development, be sure to check out my GameDev articles. If you prefer tutorials in video-form, here’s my list of 5 Best GameDev Channels on YouTube!


Let me know any feedback in the comments! Also, would you join a second season of the Chronicles GameDev Challenge?