
The Eledris Blog is an archive of resources about worldbuilding, writing, art, and game dev. As I work on my world, I share my experience and knowledge in the form of easy to understand guides.

How I Made $350 Worldbuilding Freelance
How I Made $350 Worldbuilding Freelance

In 2020, I started freelancing as a worldbuilder. This is the story of my first larger order, how I make money, and how you can get into it, too.

21. 08. 2020 11,497

How to Build an Engaged Community on Discord
How to Build an Engaged Community on Discord

Discord is one of the best platforms to build a community on. With a solid community, your projects will get much more traction and a lot more users. How do you go about building a community on Discord?

14. 08. 2020 14,673

Instagram Marketing for Non-Artists
Instagram Marketing for Non-Artists

While Instagram is the ideal platform for artists, you can promote your business there even if you can’t draw! Find out how in this blog post.

10. 07. 2020 4,467

What Can You Do About Pinterest’s Algorithm Changes
What Can You Do About Pinterest’s Algorithm Changes

Pinterest is one of the best platforms for promoting a blog – whether it’s related to your writing, art, or game development, Pinterest is the place to go.

14. 03. 2020 2,081

How to Make Money Drawing Comics
How to Make Money Drawing Comics

If your passion is art and writing, and if you have tried creating comics, why not try and make money from it. In this article, I will go through some of the ways how you can make money drawing comics.

27. 01. 2020 13,555

Top Tips for Writing and Publishing Flash Fiction
Top Tips for Writing and Publishing Flash Fiction

Flash fiction is short, usually under 500 words. That’s a good thing; you can write it quickly. The bad news is not many people want to publish it. Here are my top tips to help you with that!

04. 11. 2019 4,071

Grammarly Review & Affiliate Program
Grammarly Review & Affiliate Program

Grammarly is the one tool you need when writing, plus you can make money off of it! Learn all about it in this article.

19. 08. 2019 4,427